Advanced Flutter Networking Part 1: Uploading a File to a REST API from Flutter Using a Multi-Part (form-data) POST Request

My Flutter book is pretty light on advanced HTTP networking topics, focusing instead on giving a more well-rounded approach that, when it comes to networking, explains how to use the http networking package for basic requests, shows an example of an app that makes GET requests, and then goes a bit more specific with Firebase.

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Building a Full-Featured Python CLI Tool With argparse

This post is the third out of four in a series of posts about automating everyday tasks using scripting languages. The first one was an introduction to the hypothetical problem of having to take images divided into subfolders and dump all of them in one folder while altering their name and adding text over them to know what folder they came from (hypotheticall revealing the location where the pictures were taken) to solve and a first simple solution using Bash and ImageMagick.

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I’m so excited about Flutter I wrote a book about it called Programming Flutter with the Pragmatic Bookshelf.

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